Saturday, April 16, 2011

Burglar Alarm


Anonymous said...

sorry no can do by Melissa

Creativelearning said...

cat say, "can I come in?"
dog, "NO!"

Anonymous said...

cat:Do you have a watch,dog
Dog:you talk en about me

Anonymous said...

now the cat has no chance of winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teacher Avenues said...

"You shall not pass!" Rory

Anonymous said...

dog:no can do

Anonymous said...

cat, "that dog is big I think I can go under his legs."
dog, "don't even think about it cat."
by fraser

Anonymous said...

Cat: May I come to meet your mejesty?
Dog: he is to busy!!!!!!!!!!!!

By:Min Jung

Anonymous said...

Cat:"how many pretty's do i have to say before the please till you can let me in."
by Lily