Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dangerous Situations #1

• Think of a funny comment
• Describe what's happening
• Put words in their mouths?
• Tell us what they are thinking?
• What's going to happen next?
• How did this happen?
• Write a news story
• Think of a title for a news report

Person on ladder. I know someone said these waters were shark-infested, but this is nuts!

Shark thought "LUNCH" 

Journal Notes
Make your own individual notes to help you remember these Idioms

Listen out for people using idioms and add them to your Journal

Once in a blue moon
Not very often
PS.  Is there such a thing as a blue moon?

I'm feeling blue today
unhappy, sad, a bit depressed about something

Out of the blue
To appear out of nowhere without any warning, to happen quite suddenly or randomly by surprise. ...

Where In the World
Do a small sketch of this building 
and maybe draw a map to show where it is in the world.
Create a mini fact file
Hemisphere? Northern
Continent? Europe
Country? France
City? Paris
Name: Eiffle Tower

Find out more
Number of rivets used in the construction?
Reason for building?
Original lifespan?
Visitors a year?
How much does it cost?
How many steps to the top?
How long did it take to build?
How many people did it take?
Did they have powerful trucks and cranes back then?


Anonymous said...

go go go go go!take of george

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Bad luck......

By: Min Jung

Morley said...


Anonymous said...

ewwww! shark breath. brush your teeth stupid sha- {gulp}mayday mayday we're going down!{splash!}